I have come across a case where the client would like to expand into the European market and the case asks to elaborate a market entry strategy. So logically, I split the case into 2 sub-problems:
1- Identify a potential market in Europe
2- Market Entry Strategy
Given the fact that I am not diagnosing a problem in the company to base the strategy on (like decrease in revenues is due to a decrease in the # of customersb etc ... so we would come up with a strategy accordingly) so it is harder to come up with a hyposthesis.
Can I say for example: I am going to hypothesize that there is an attractive market in Europe for Company X to enter.
and then moving to the market strategy: we have two options M&A or enter solo so I am going to hypothesize that company X can enter the market Solo and to prove that bla bla bla.
suggestions on how to come with a hypothesis for expansion / market entry type of cases?
Clairifcation after some of the good comments below: I am not saying I would "assume" an attractive market and move to the market entry strategy. I am "hypothesizing" (to be proven) an attractive market to prove it or nullify it by analyzing the first sub-problem as mentioned above that I have in my structure to investigate a potential european market. My question is for that sub-problem what would be a possible hypothesis.
Thanks for all the helpful the comments !