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How did you deal with the manager who fired you?

line manager
New answer on Jun 06, 2020
6 Answers
Anonymous A asked on Jun 01, 2020

I was laid off by my line manager a couple months ago since we didn't get along with each other well and he was unhappy about my performance. Now I have found a new role in a different location, but there are still many chances that we will serve same client.

I am currently having coffee chats with my ex-colleagues, but I'm uncertain about whether I should initiate a coffee chat with the boss who fired me. Part of the reason I'm willing to do so is to at least keep a neutral relationship with him, in case we will meet each other again in a professional setting. Could anyone share your view or similar experience? Appreciate it!

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replied on Jun 02, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut

Hello !

I would say:

  1. Whenever you can, stay away. Avoid -politely- contact.
  2. Whenver you have to be together since you have no other choice, just be very neutral and polite. Don´t engage at all. Only the strictly neccesary.
  3. Don´t talk bad about him with the current team, or anything. Just pretend he does not exist, is the most elegant way.

Hope it helps!



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replied on Jun 02, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


I would not try to do anything here.

  • If he is naturally a good person and a professional - he will act professionally if you meet him next time at the client
  • If he does not tend to act professionally - he may act in a weird way. But in that case - there is no way you can get friends or neutral via a simple coffee chat


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Anonymous replied on Jun 02, 2020

Hi there,

Stay neutral - don't engage. A coffee chat won't do much to save that relationship. (plus if the manager fired you, I don't think he/she would want to save the relationship either).

In case you meet up again, just be cordial and professional and move along.

Best of luck on proving him/her wrong ;)


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Anonymous replied on Jun 01, 2020


in your place I would not anticipate too much and would not be too proactive at this stage.

If as you think you meet this manager at one of your clients, it can always be useful to have a coffee with him and tell him that you have moved on to something else and that you hope that he did as well !


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Anonymous A on Jun 01, 2020

Thanks, so do you mean I should meet him in future stage, not at this stage?

Anonymous on Jun 02, 2020

Yep only I you have to interact with him for example

Content Creator
replied on Jun 02, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate


I would just stay away. If you bump into him, be professional and polite. No need to do anything else. A broken relationship won't be fixed through a coffee chat - best to just leave it be.

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Anonymous replied on Jun 06, 2020

Dear A,

I'm totally understand your point. First of all you need to become very thankful for the experience you had with him. And this should be your internal view, because he actually helped you to put yourself in the situation where are you now. With this new job. So, starting with being thankful with him, you can invite him for a cofee chat or lunch in order to work out on your relationship. Bear in mind that the world of consulting and the real career world is pretty small, where everyone knows everybody. So, it's general rule to be friendly and in a good relation ships with everybody. This is essentia in your carerr. Today - he is your boss, tomorrow - he is your client.

I wish you best of luck,

If you need further advice, feel free to reach out,


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McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut
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