Question 1: I have received conflicting feedback across various cases saying either:
- I need to be more thorough in my structure and descriptions, or
- I need to be more concise.
What strategies can you recommend to balance thoroughness and concision given time constraints? For example, is it OK to only draw out a portion of your structure, then write more as you walk them through it?
Question 2: I usually take 1-1.5 minutes to set up my initial structure, but for subsequent questions in a McKinsey-style case, I have received conflicting feedback saying:
- I should take more time to think/structure before answering, or
- I should not ask for time and should brainstorm straight away.
Is is appropriate to ask for some time to structure my thoughts (beyond the initial structuring phase)? If so, when and for how long? How can I determine when it is not appropriate to ask for some time to structure/think?
Another example of this is when the interviewer says, "The CEO just walked in. What are your recommendations?" Am I allowed to compile my recommendation for 10-15 seconds or do I need to answer immediately?