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Fast-growth consulting firm or Big4?

Big 4
New answer on Dec 09, 2019
4 Answers
1.5 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Dec 09, 2019

I’m actually working as BA intern in a European fast-growth multinational consulting firm (revenue around 200M€), in expansion basically in Europe and USA, with main focus on organisation, technology and digital transformation projects.

Involved in a administrative/technical project where I’m basically learning nothing, without client’s direct communication and making everyday the same mansions, I’m not pretty sure to be moved soon to other project after my full integration as BA. I also showed my interested to be expat in their emergent strategic countries, due to my local language’s fluency and local market knowledge.

Based on what I said above, I would like to ask the following questions:

I’m actually looking around and making interviews with Deloitte, Accenture and KPMG in my own country, always within my same specialised area. The position is as Consultant. If I will receive an offer from them, should I move to Big4, making my experience and my CV even more palatable for MBB destination?

If I decide to remain in my actual consulting firm as BA, how high would be the probability that my partner can think to expat/relocate me to one of their strategic country? I showed a strong ambition to move abroad, and I find it also a good experience that can be an asset for a future MBB application,

Thank you all and best regards.

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replied on Dec 09, 2019
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Anonymous,

the best paths to move to MBB with an interim step are:

  • 2nd tier strategy consulting firm (ATK, RB, Strategy&, OW)
  • Strategy role in a big brand
  • MBA

You may also apply directly now, but assuming your current company doesn’t have a strong brand name, you would need a strong referral to be invited for interviews.

Big 4 or Accenture are not the best path there, unless you are referring to their strategy division (Strategy&, Monitor, Parthenon).

In terms of the probability to be relocated abroad, I would try to align with the partner to understand the chances. In any case, if your final goal is MBB, I would suggest following one of the options mentioned above as they are the traditional path.



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replied on Dec 09, 2019
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

moving to big4 of course helps to build a more recognized profile, at least in terms of brand reputation, and I consider it a good option. At the same time, especially if you get an offer, you could talk clearly with your partner, explaining your ambitions and your opportunities outside: if they want you they will try to respect your request.

However, if your career goal is MBB, why don't you apply now (even in Tier2, like OW, S&, RB and ATK, much better than big4 to build a strong CV for MBB)? You can try to get a referral from friends or ex-alumni of you University now in consulting. Worst case they reject your application and you cannot apply for the next 12 months.

Hope it helps,

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replied on Dec 09, 2019
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


1st of all, could you share the name of the company? Would help us advise you better.

You have different options:


-pros: leveraging your own experience to advance quickly -and change engagements, as you were mentioning-.

-contras: for me at least, being bored is a deal breaker. If you feel you are stuck, it´s time to move, or it will totally affect your motivation.


-pros: enhances your profile in order to later apply to MBB. Furthermore, you don´t loose anything, and for sure will gain some valuable experience.

-contras: is adding another step before your final target. At this point, why not directly applying?


-pros: Why not? You already have a "no", and for sure will teach you valuable lessons.

-contras: Don´t see many honestly, the opportunity cost here is minimum.


-pros: for sure it enhances not only your profile, but specially your network, which is particularly useful

-contras: it´s very time consuming, and terribly expensive! (for instnce, Ivy League 2 years programs are +160K only in tuition!



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replied on Dec 09, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


You can apply to MBB directly once you gain some experience if that company. Or got to Accenture / KMPG and apply from there. The choice really depends on how strong is the brand of your current company in your country

Re the transfer - sorry, it's impossible to answer without knowing your company


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#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching
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