lol, the famous one. I will quickly explain the principle here and leave you the maths :)
1. Calculate the volume available in an air plane
- Central bridge : you can consider this as cylinder, and calculate its volume = lenght of the plane x pi x (diameter of the bridge /2)²
- wings : you can consider this as rectangulare volume = lengt x witdth x height
2. Calculate the volume of a golf ball
- this is a sphere, volume = 4/3 x pi x (diameter/ 2)^3
3. Evaluate the volume loss due to the spheric shape of the ball, air will fill this space
- its the difference of volume between a cube and a sphere of the same height (D) : Diff = D^3 - 4/3 x pi x (D/2)^3
- you can as well approximate it with a % of volume loss
Hope this helps