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PrepLounge: Personal Fit
New answer on Sep 03, 2023
88 Answers
6.6 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Sep 18, 2019

How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

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replied on Sep 18, 2019
OW | HEC Paris | Helped 20+ people entering BCG, OW, ATK etc.

This is a key part of the interview! Please do not overlook it at all.


Ask questions about one the below 3:

-consulting industry (how have clients need evolve?)
-case (did you wind up proposing this to the client? which were the roadblocks during the project?)
-himself (which step of the consulting career did you like best?)


Ask stupid questions on:

-questions you can ask to HR (how long before I have an answer?)
-basic consuling career stuff (how often do you promote people?)

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Content Creator
updated an answer on Mar 30, 2020
FREE 15MIN CONSULTATION | #1 Strategy& / OW coach | >70 5* reviews |90% offers ⇨ | MENA, DE, UK

This is one of the most important parts of the interview.

It's a chance to demonstrate what you know about the firm, truly understand the office/culture/fit (remember this interview is two-ways!), and also build some rapport with the interviewer leaving on a high.

Good interviewers use this to test candidates EQ (I certainly did, and poor candidates either asked irrelevant questions or didn't have any in the first place)

Certainly do not waste the opportunity by asking silly administrative questions or HR-type questions.

Ask insightful questions related to topics:

  • Interviewer - why he/she joined that firm, how their experience has been, what they are working on, what would they change about the firm if they could (consultants love talking about themselves so endow them with the opportunity!)
  • Industry - how they have seen the industry change, what the state of affairs is for consulting work, what are the big opportunities in the near future
  • Firm - how staffing works, what sectors are known for what kind of work (some sectors do more ops vs. strategy work for example), who the firm competes with, what differentiates it from others
  • Role - what to expect in first 6 months, what to expect on first engagement, any advice


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Content Creator
replied on Oct 05, 2019
5+ Years at BCG & Kearney Dubai & Istanbul | 400+ Trainees | Free 15-min Consultation Call


This is a very important part of the interview. Interviewers typically ask this question during the last 5 minutes of the interviews. This is the moment where you can show that you have done your research, you can ask things around:

  • Office staffing structure - where do consultants typically work (office or client site, locally or internationally), do consultants have a say regarding staffing decisions (e.g., can they choose the type of topics to work on, client types, etc.)
  • What do the interviewers like the most about working in their office or practice. Ask them to provide an example of a project they worked on, people love to talk about their experiences!
  • Are there more strategy or implementation type of projects conducted in the office

As a last caveat, there are some awkward questions I was asked as an interviewer such as where do I see myself in 5 years or what are the things I don't like about the company, so try to avoid these questions.



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Content Creator
replied on Dec 28, 2019
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut

More than DOs, I would talk about the DONTs: no operational questions that you can later ask to HR.

This part is for emphasizing with the interviewer, getting to know some things about him/her -professional of course-...

Hope it helps!



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Anonymous G2 on Dec 03, 2020


Anonymous replied on May 22, 2020

Dear A,

Ideally, there are questions hat could show your intrinsic interest in the company, person, or both ideally. So one of the greatest question could be for example the following:

"Now, look at your career XX long, what is the one project assignment, by looking back, makes you very proud of accomplishing smth great?"

Hope it helps,

Good luck,


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Anonymous R2 replied on Jul 28, 2021

What has the change in consulting been like in the past years?

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Content Creator
replied on Dec 28, 2019
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached

One of my favourite is:

"What don't you like of your work?"

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Alexander on Mar 02, 2021

The question is good but I would want to make sure it is not the very last question you pose. If it happens during the last 5 mintues of the interview, a negative connotation may get stuck with the interviewer. If you manage to bring this in early, during the fit-part in a way of making conversation, I would consider it better. I tend to end on positive notes whenever possible.

Erik replied on Nov 05, 2019


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Anonymous Y2 replied on Sep 03, 2023

Can you tell what pain points are currently existing?

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Gregory replied on Apr 25, 2021


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Anonymous H2 replied on Dec 09, 2020

Which challenges does the company currently face?
What do you like best/least in your current position?
What made you successful in your current role?
How would you describe the company culture?

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Sergio replied on Nov 25, 2020
Preparing for BCG and Bain.

How would you describe your normal day and your special day and your bad day at work?

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replied on Feb 19, 2020

On your webpage, the company advertises X as key part of the company culture. As an insider, what are the 3 key elements of the culture which if a new applicant doesn't have, you think it would be worthless for him to apply, even though the has the necessary skills to be consultant.

As team member, has it ever happened that for a particular point you disagree in terms of results with a teammate, even though you both see objectively that both approaches are logical and sound. If it happened, how did you deal with it keeping in mind the best interest of the client?

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Anonymous G updated the answer on Nov 06, 2019

Do you ever get together after work to get to know each other?

Do you have a certain structure you use for the clients or is it different every single time?

Are there big trends all clients want or do they all have different needs? Is it true that almost all your clients have issues with digitalisation?


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Anonymous X2 replied on Mar 24, 2022


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Anonymous W2 replied on Jan 12, 2022

What's your process for deciding staffing? Who makes the decision? What are the main factors to the decision?

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Anonymous V2 replied on Nov 29, 2021

What have been the most useful qualities to facilitate your integration within the firm and enhance your success in projects, and what would you recommend me to work on if I were to join your firm?

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Anonymous U2 replied on Nov 16, 2021

Yes! What are the expectations you hope to see on a newly hired employee?  Of these criteria, would you recommend some way I can improve and perform in the way you expect?  Lastly, would you give any feedback after this interview? 

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Anonymous T2 replied on Sep 03, 2021

I would like to understand how is your firm adapting your ways of working amidst the Covid-19 pandemic

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Anonymous S2 replied on Aug 03, 2021

In your opionion, what is the most imortant thing to becoming an professional consultatnt?

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Anonymous Q2 replied on Jul 24, 2021

How is the culture in the office?

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Akshatha replied on Jul 20, 2021


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Anonymous P2 replied on Jul 11, 2021

Im Moment noch nicht

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Eman replied on Jun 08, 2021

could you please tell me more about the design process in the company and the team work

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Kirill replied on May 29, 2021
Worked as manager in Accenture and Roland Berger, targeting Experinced hire with McKinsey

How does the experienced hire track typically look like?

What is the percent of cross-border projects?

How do you feel the management consulting changed through last 5 years?

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Anonymous O2 replied on May 26, 2021

What are the future goals of the company and how you wish to achieve them?

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liliana replied on May 01, 2021

What are the cons of being a consultant?

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Anonymous N2 replied on Apr 08, 2021


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Friedrich replied on Mar 31, 2021


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Anonymous replied on Mar 31, 2021

What are the aspects you like the most in your job?

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Anonymous M2 replied on Mar 10, 2021

Yes, I know that you have great opportunities for personal development through online classes and lessons, however I would like to know how you work with personal development during and after projects, do you have a structured approach to feedback?

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Anonymous L2 replied on Mar 10, 2021

what do you like about your job the most?

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Valentine replied on Mar 06, 2021

Was the case we talked through one you actually worked on? What were the challenges? What solution did you end up giving?

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Anonymous K2 replied on Feb 24, 2021

Wie genau sieht ein durchschnittlicher Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aus?

Worin unterscheidet sich ein guter von einem nicht so guten Tag für Sie?

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Anonymous J2 replied on Jan 30, 2021

- What does your company differentiate from other consultancies?
- If you were in my shoes, why should I switch from Consultancy A to consultancy B?

- What are the qualities you are most looking for in a candidate?

- What iniatives do you support to strengten diversity in your team?

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Ann-Katrin replied on Jan 27, 2021

War der Case ein Teil ihrer tatsächlichen Projektarbeit?

wie definieren sie Erfolg auf dieser Stelle?

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Lukas replied on Jan 16, 2021

How can I apply to specific cases in branches I am interested in?

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Johanna replied on Jan 13, 2021

How would a great teamplayer in your team look like?

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Dalia replied on Jan 11, 2021
preparing for McKinsey

What keeps you up at night?

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José Maria replied on Jan 09, 2021

How long have you been working here and if it has made you feel like it is right thing to do for your career?

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Karim replied on Jan 08, 2021
Chemical Engineer seeking entry into Management Consulting

Can you tell me more about the company and its values, culture, and overall objectives (short term and long term)?

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Anonymous I2 replied on Jan 06, 2021


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Mikaela replied on Dec 27, 2020

How do you choose your case teams?

What is an aspect of being a consultant here that differs with your past jobs at other companies?

Is there a certain portion of working on a project that you enjoy doing best (preliminary research, crunching numbers, presenting...)?

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Mehrdad replied on Dec 16, 2020

Is there daily meetings for the team?

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Timor updated an answer on Dec 02, 2020

What makes Bain having a superior advantage in the PE field in your opinion and how can new hires benefit from that?


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Anonymous F2 replied on Oct 20, 2020

What is something you find really challenging after having worked for so long in consulting?

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Fredrik replied on Oct 12, 2020

What do you think is characteristic or distinctive about your leadership style?

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Henning replied on Oct 12, 2020

Why did you invite me to this interview?

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Anonymous E2 replied on Oct 05, 2020


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Anonymous D2 replied on Sep 01, 2020

What led you to join this firm over any other?

Could you describe one of the most challenging aspects of your role and what you do to ensure you handle it?

What does this firm do to ensure that female talent isn't lost as the years progress?

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Anonymous C2 replied on Aug 23, 2020

Yes! I'd love to know more about what differentiates a great consultant from a good one. I hope to succeed long term within consulting.

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replied on Aug 20, 2020

What's the company culture like at McKinsey?

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Urban replied on Aug 06, 2020

How long does it take to get there?

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Faris replied on Jul 30, 2020

Yes, well how do you think I will perform well in a real scenario?

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Anonymous B2 replied on Jun 29, 2020

i would really like to know what a consultant in companyX does during the day... what's the best and worst part in a "routine" workday? Morover, what kind of activites, or achievements, or even daily-baisis events make you happy at the end of the day to work in consulting? and what about company X... can the answer be the same?

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Stjepan replied on May 29, 2020


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Anonymous A replied on May 28, 2020

Whak makes a good consultant?

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Bram replied on May 19, 2020

How often will i visit a costumer and how many hours will i spend behind my desk

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Anonymous Z replied on May 13, 2020

What has been the most exciting project you worked on?

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Benjamin replied on Apr 23, 2020

Ask about former projects or about 1 of their values

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Anonymous Y replied on Apr 19, 2020

How was your first day like in the firm? What did you feel after the first month?

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Anonymous X replied on Apr 02, 2020

How does your company ensure you are keeping up with the changes in the different industries, especially where there's no precedence?

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Bianca replied on Mar 28, 2020

What's the process like of getting assigned to my first project?

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Anonymous W replied on Mar 13, 2020

Your consulting firm is into a variety of areas like Strategy, investment advisory, analytics and equity research. So my role will be mostly in strategy consulting or in other domains as well?

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Anonymous V replied on Mar 12, 2020

Identifying my personal motivations. But it helps me hone skills and focus on deliverables.

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Laurien replied on Feb 27, 2020

What is the most interesting project you have worked on personally in your career at this company?

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Harshit replied on Feb 21, 2020

I would like to know more about the opportunites in Data Science and Analytics that also incorporate consulting at your firm and what should be my approach for the same?

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Anonymous U replied on Feb 17, 2020

how did you find me ?

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Anonymous T replied on Feb 16, 2020

I long will it take to get feedback from you?

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Anonymous S replied on Feb 11, 2020


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updated an answer on Feb 04, 2020
Currently working at MBB. Benefited a lot from this platform so would like to give back now by answering interview Qs.


This question usually comes up at the very end of the interview, at least for MBB. I think it's nice to prepare one or two questions either 1) related to the interviewer's personal background/experience or 2) something about the firm that you can't find elsewhere. I say this because of the following reasons:

1). usually the interviewers are on a tight schedule so if you have too many questions they ran out of patience, so 1 or 2 would be ideal

2). this part is relatively unevaluative, so you should put most focus on the case and PEI part, for this part just make sure you don't do stupid things

hope this helps!


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Anonymous R replied on Feb 04, 2020

i am really ambitious

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Anonymous Q replied on Feb 03, 2020


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Anonymous P replied on Jan 30, 2020

what's the relationship between technology background and consulting job.

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Anonymous O replied on Jan 29, 2020

Yes! Many!

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Jonas replied on Jan 17, 2020

How do you see the consulting industry in face of technological change?

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Nadia replied on Jan 12, 2020

I'd like to know the background of my future collegues

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Anonymous N replied on Jan 10, 2020

-International Mobility

-Medium/Long term plans in Spain (my country)

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Anonymous M replied on Jan 02, 2020

How does your background strengthen your work as a consultant?

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Anonymous L replied on Dec 05, 2019

Ja, zunächst würde ich gerne etwas mehr über die Unternehmenskultur erfahren. Würden Sie Ihre Kollegen als Kollegen oder als Freunde beschreiben?

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Anonymous K replied on Nov 30, 2019

Coming from a legal background, I woud probably try and understand how I would succeed as a consultant from a Company's point of view. I would also try and get to know the interviewer. I would ask how his professional career developed and why he decided to work for the selected Company.

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Anonymous J replied on Nov 24, 2019

Where should I start

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Anonymous I updated the answer on Nov 23, 2019

What is your fulfillment by doing consulting?


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Anonymous H replied on Nov 18, 2019

What are the hierachy levels for your consultants?

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Marion replied on Nov 08, 2019

how is the feedback policy in your company? How often are Feedback sessions and in which way are they conducted?

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Anonymous F replied on Oct 06, 2019

I would like to know about the strategy your company follows to enhance the new entry consultant's skills and prepare them for the consulting career

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Anonymous E replied on Oct 04, 2019

I would like to know how the learning process for new entrants is structured, which are the opportunities available to your employees and how the company contributes in maximizing everyone potential?

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Anonymous D replied on Sep 27, 2019

What is the workplace culture like? What was a challenge you faced as you started and how did you overcome it? Is there something you know now that you wish you would have known then?

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Anonymous C replied on Sep 22, 2019

What are the long term objectives if this dept

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Anonymous B replied on Sep 21, 2019

Why consulting?

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