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Diversity in MBB

Bain BCG McKinsey
New answer on Oct 31, 2023
7 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Aug 31, 2020

Hi, I'm curious if anyone has insights on how diversity plays a part in choosing candidates who will get offers.

Say hypothetically if two candidates both nailed the case interviews and are being evaluated who gets the spot. The other one has a more unique background (e.g. nationality, culture, gender, degree, industry experience) - will that candidate be chosen over the other?

Also if a candidate is not from the same country as the office he's applying to, is that candidate at a disadvantage over locals?


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Anonymous replied on Sep 01, 2020

Unique background might give the candidate some edge, but that is provided if the candidate totally passes the bar already. So I wouldn't bank on it, or over think about it.

Home country could be a practical issue for non locals if there is work permit or language challenges.



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replied on Aug 31, 2020
BCG | Received offers from all MBB & Tier 1Firms | Supporting you secure your top tier consulting offer


Diversity in MBB recruitment means giving more attention to candidates from ethinicities, backgrounds and genders who are underrepresented. It means that there will be some events specific for those communities in order to empower them, coach them and better understand them.

It does not mean that the recruitment standards would be lowered for them since they will be treated equally with people coming from non-underrepresented groups.

I hope this answers your question.


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replied on Oct 31, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach
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Anonymous replied on Aug 31, 2020

Dear A,

Yes, agree with other experts that you might have mor opportunities in terms of attending recruiting events and more time for preparation. But in terms of interviewing - there is no discount. Since the general intake will be reduced due to the COVID crisis, so the bar of competition will be high.



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replied on Aug 31, 2020
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience


MBB are trying very hard (at least in the US) to increase their diversity. What this means is that they are targeting women and minorities for recruitment. The bar is equally high but typically they offer you more guidance through 1:1 mentorship and more events etc to better prepare you for the interviews.

Yes you will be at a disadvantage, unless you study in that country currently and are therefore applying for a role there.


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Anonymous B updated the answer on Aug 31, 2020

Diversity will have no bearing on differentiating candidates. MBB do not have quotas to fill so normally all candidates good enough to pass interviews will get through. Even in Covid times, the bar to pass will be increased for all candidates so the process is fair

However if you are a diversity candidate then yes you will be offered more networking and mentoring options and just MAYBE getting through CV screening will be a bit easier but the final hurdle is the same for everyone

And yes you will be at a disadvantage to local applicants unless you have some connection to the office ideally through study or recent professional experience


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replied on Sep 01, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

I actually disagree with the other coaches. While a company says that the bar will be exactly the same, there's no way it can be. If you have a quota, you will inherently lower the bar slightly to meet it.

So, while I completely agree that, no matter what, you still have to be an excellent candidate, if they need to decide between two identical candidates in performance, they will likely opt for diversity.

If you are not from the same country and do not have any ties to /experience in that country, yes you are at a disadvantage. Think about it, from their perspective, why are you there, will you commit/stay, and do you even understand the local culture/companies? (all hugely important to succeeding)

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