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CV Review

CV CVreview Resume
New answer on Feb 16, 2024
10 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Mar 21, 2021

Hi there,

I spent some time trying to optimize my CV, and I would really appreciate if anyone can give me some feedback or some comments on it.

Thank you very much in advance


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replied on Mar 21, 2021
Volkswagen Consulting| Your Automotive and Mobility Expert | Inhouse Consulting | China


as you might imagine, a CV optimization is always a very delicate and personal matter (besides obvious grammar, formatting etc mistakes). Therefore, it would be extremly helpful if you'd provide some more background on the firm, role and also location etc youre applying for. If you don't feel comfortable sharing this publicly, feel free to reach out to me directly.

In the meantime, some first glance advice:

  • If you're applying in the EU (in particular Germany), most firms would like still like to see your high school grades
  • If you're applying to a role outside of France, defintely more explanation needed on the grand ecole prep (vs. bachelor)
  • Dates: I would always include full date (Jan 2020 - July 2020 instead of Jan - July 2020), as it makes it easier to read
  • You're inconsistend with the amount and content of bullet points
  • You're inconsistend with the wording of your titles, e.g. why is the M&A role the only role where you don't have a description of the firm?
  • Again, depending on location you would want to put a place, date and signature at the bottom of the page

Lastly, I'm a fan of a short introduction of yoursef in 2-3 sentences at the very top of the page

Let me know if this helps. Best,


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Content Creator
replied on Mar 21, 2021
FREE 15MIN CONSULTATION | #1 Strategy& / OW coach | >70 5* reviews |90% offers ⇨ | MENA, DE, UK

Some feedback here in no particular order:

  • Simplify the dates - Sep 19 - Jan 21
  • Add the grades for your university degrees
  • Any scholarships / awards to mention within education?
  • Fast food - I can't tell what the scale of this is - next to the brand name have something like (€xm revenue, 16 stores, 10 employees)
  • You need more spacing between experiences - it seems a bit cramped at the moment
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Content Creator
replied on Mar 21, 2021
#1 MBB Coach(Placed 750+ in MBBs & 1250+ in Tier2)| The Only 360° coach(Ex-McKinsey+Certified Coach+Active recruiter)

Hey there!

Here are some other points which seem to be important to me:

  • Make some extra spaces between lines - visually it will look much better
  • Don't forget to specify the exact names of the Restaurant, Bank and etc.
  • I would also advise specifying the level of your languages according to international standards (C1, B2 etc)
  • You have sorted your professional experience and education by years - but I would start from the earliest year (which 2014 in the experience section) and then come to 2020

If you need any other help with your CV - don't hesitate to write me!


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Marsha Crane on Apr 16, 2024

Effective thesis statements directly and boldly articulate a complex, arguable or surprising argument (or arguments) of your own which will need to develop throughout the essay.


Content Creator
updated an answer on Mar 21, 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Here's some initial feedback based on a quick skim:

  • Header could look "smarter"
  • Don't love the red section headers
  • Put city/country underneath dates on the RHS
  • I'm personally not a fan of bolding sections of sentences
  • Your IT skills are lacking (MS Office is a given nowadays, and Photoshop isn't relevent). I would try to add some others (take some classes) or remove it altogether. If you keep it, be sure to state your proficiency (Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner)
  • Your experience bullets are generally good but could afford wordsmithing to be more effective/precise/concise


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Lynn updated an answer on Sep 25, 2023

Here are a few additional details that strike me as crucial:

Make more spaces between the lines; it will seem lot better visually. Remember to provide the precise names of the restaurant, bank, and other establishments. I would also suggest indicating your languages' levels in geometry dash world of those used internationally (C1, B2, etc.). Your professional experience and educational background have been organized by years; nevertheless, I would begin with the most recent year (2014 in the experience area) and work my way up to 2020.
Please contact me if you require any additional assistance with your resume.


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brown replied on Feb 16, 2024

Want to boost your employer brand and your karma? Give unsuccessful candidates the interview feedback they deserve.


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Richard replied on Jan 04, 2024

That's amazing post!

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miki replied on Jan 01, 2024

Your professional experience and educational background have been organized by fethiye tour; nevertheless, I would begin with the most recent year (2014 in the experience area) and work my way up to 2020. 

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Content Creator
replied on Mar 22, 2021
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


To add on top of the very good comments already made: what are your grades? If in top 10%, always worth mentioning, same as extra curricular done at the same time of the studies.

Hope it helps!



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Fernando Roach replied on Nov 06, 2023


  • Ask reviewers if your skills and experiences are presented clearly and showcase your strengths. Is important info highlighted?
  • Do your achievements and qualifications align with the types of roles you are applying for?
  • Is relevant information prioritized before less vital content? Is length appropriate?
  • Does your CV tell a cohesive story about your background and value as a candidate?


  • Is the structure and organization easy to quickly scan and digest? Good use of whitespace?
  • Is your CV aesthetically pleasing while remaining professional? Consistent styling?
  • Does the design match your industry and personality? Or is it bland and template-like?
  • Is text spacing, font sizing, and heading hierarchy making the CV readable and scannable?

Ask Reviewers: 

  • Would this CV make you want to interview the candidate? Does it stand out?
  • Are there sections that can be cut or condensed to sharpen the focus?
  • Does the CV fit norms and expectations of the target industry and region?
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Marsha Crane on Apr 16, 2024

You might have completed a challenging project on time and budget, demonstrating your problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork .


Torben gave the best answer


Volkswagen Consulting| Your Automotive and Mobility Expert | Inhouse Consulting | China
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