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Crowdsourced list on how Corona affects hiring at McKinsey/BCG/...

corona Coronavirus covid19 hiring
New answer on Apr 14, 2020
7 Answers
2.4 k Views
Trian asked on Mar 31, 2020

Sorry for pitching in, but it seems to be in everyone's mind these days:

We made a crowdsourced list on which consultancies in Germany stopped hiring, canceled interviews or are still honouring their offers:

McKinsey/BCG/Bain: postponing interviews but honoring all offers

Simon-Kucher/Accenture: Cancelation of final round interviews

Big4: A lot of postponing going on, both of interviews and offers. Interviews moving online.

Happy to answer in more detail, if you have any open questions? Stay healthy!

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replied on Mar 31, 2020
McKinsey / ex-Interviewer at McKinsey / I will coach you to rock those interviews

McKinsey interviews are also moving online, so far it's been true for the US, Europe and Australia. Postponing with no definite date I've seen only in the Middle East.

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replied on Mar 31, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


Unfortunately too generalistic, this also depends on the different regions.

However, Mckinsey is also continuing with recruiting in Europe and Latam atm, I have some of my coachees interviewing this week. Just that it´s being done by VC



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updated an answer on Apr 01, 2020
McKinsey Senior EM & BCG Consultant | Interviewer at McK & BCG for 7 years | Coached 350+ candidates secure MBB offers


What I have also seen is that some offices try to bring forward interviews if they fear an impending lockdown. So interviews where scheduled with only 24 or 48 hours notice. Seen this in Australia and Middle East last week. This has caused a stress peak for some of my mentees (and myself ;)), but fortunately all have been able to still secure at least on MBB offer, despite the rush. That being said, this is just a snapshot and the picture might again change drastically within days.

Cheers, Sidi


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Content Creator
replied on Apr 14, 2020
150+ interviews | 6+ years experience | Bain, Kearney & Accenture | Exited startup| London Business School

Great list. At Kearney Middle East hiring is still ongoing although one should expect a delay in the process. Happy to answer any further questions.

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replied on Apr 08, 2020

Rergarding BCG GERMANY: Has the POTENTIAL TEST moved online, or does BCG skip the test? THX

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Anonymous replied on Apr 01, 2020

The recruitment is on hold in the countries with strict lockdowns or the ones badly affected by the virus. However, recruiting continues for most with some noticeable changes in the process such as

  • Majority of recruiting activities being done online
  • Postponement of joining dates to a time when the situation is expected to have improved
  • Interview process taking longer than otherwise
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Content Creator
replied on Mar 31, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached

BCG in Italy is still hiring as if never happened.


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