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BCG Interview Questions and Salary Expectation for Practice Area Director

BCG Phone interview salary
New answer on May 28, 2024
7 Answers
Anonymous A asked on May 26, 2024

Hello, I've been approached by BCG's practice area recruiting team for the position of Director (below partner) overseeing a team of five. What possible questions can I expect during a phone interview and what is the salary range for this level.


Thanks in advance for your feedback

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replied on May 26, 2024
Bain | Roland Berger | EY-Parthenon | Mentoring Approach | 30% off first 10 sessions in May| Market Sizing | DARDEN MBA

You should check glassdoor to account for the specific target office. Consider base salary + 30-50% performance bonus. In any case, it should be quite competitive.

Questions… you will still get a case. You have to be not only good about solving the case, but also at showing that you understand how you would run the project in practice. E.g. how you would specifically get some data or manage the client are going to be very important questions there. Being able to tackle nuance regarding critical issues for the client is also very important. And of course, since there's a specific practice area, you are expected to understand it for the market, technical and strategic point of view.

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Content Creator
replied on May 27, 2024
#1 Bain coach | >95% success rate | interviewer for 8+ years | mentor and coach for 7+ years

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the invitation from BCG!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:

  • First of all, telephone interviews are usually rather superficial and are mainly about whether you are generally suited to the job and how you are motivated for the position. I would therefore advise you to prepare meaningful questions on these two topics. As soon as the telephone interview has been successful, you will be informed about the actual application process.
  • Moreover, regarding salary, it varies by location but typically falls within a high range. You can find more on this topic here: Salaries in the consulting industry.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



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Content Creator
replied on May 27, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach


The first discussion will be highly exploratory. 

They will want to figure out if you're relevant for the role and if you are interested in pursuing it. 

If that's the case, they will explain the recruitment process to you. Make sure that you get clarity on this since it's super different from firm to firm and role to role. I worked with several candidates at the AP level, and it was super different with all of them. 

Think beforehand about what questions you would want to ask them. 

And in terms of compensation, at the AP level, it's based on a salary band, so they just want to make sure that their offer is relevant for you, but it won't be used as part of the negotiation for the role per se.

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updated an answer on May 27, 2024
BCG Dubai Project Leader | Learn to think like a Consultant | Free personalised prep plan | 6+ years in Consulting

Regarding salary range - you would need to share some more information such as office location, and standard BCG v/s BCG X.

Regarding questions - the most probable questions will be about your past experiences that are relevant with the BCG PA; your past experience in leading teams; your past experience in communicating with leadership & clients; your motivation to join BCG; your career plans; and then perhaps questions that you will ask the interviewer as well.


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Content Creator
replied on May 27, 2024
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

Depends on the office. I would check

Questions can be anything from the 3 Whys:

  • Why You
  • Why Consulting
  • Why BCG

to the value you can bring to the firm/role by talking about past experiences (e.g., leadership, network, impact, responsibility).

Often times interview logistics are also discussed in these calls.



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kevin replied on May 27, 2024
I am a Professor

Expect questions about leadership, strategic thinking, industry knowledge, cognitive abilities, and team management. The salary range is around $200k-$300k.

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Content Creator
replied on May 28, 2024
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Hi there,

During the first phone interview, recruiter will assess your fit and motivation for the position. Be ready to explain a summary of your resume. Prepare 1-2 leadership stories. 

List a set of questions you want to ask, including salary ranges. To set expectations, salaries are set in bands per role and there is little to no room for negotiation (just be in the lower or upper part of the band).

Good luck!


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Bain | Roland Berger | EY-Parthenon | Mentoring Approach | 30% off first 10 sessions in May| Market Sizing | DARDEN MBA
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