Dear all,
I recently applied to BCG in Germany by sending as requested a copy of my diplomas (in French and in English, since I studied in France). However, I received today an email from the BCG German recruiting team, in which I am asked to provide an official German translation of my diplomas. This is rather schoking to me that documents in English do not suffice for an international company like the BCG. Translating the documents in German would be time-consuming and expensive, and would bring very limited added value in my opinion, since my diplomas are easy to understand in English and even in French ("Finance" in French and English is not very different from "Finanz" in German. Same thing for Philosophy). Have some of you already heard about such practice in Germany? I am already working in Germany, and providing a copy of my diplomas in English had always been enough until now.
What would you recommend to me? To write back to the recruiting team asking wheter this is really mandatory, or to comply right away with this non-practical request?
I thank you very much for your piece of advice.
Best regards,