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Tweaks in early 2023 in the Solve / Imbellus / McK Problem Solving Game in Eastern European offices

digital assessment Imbellus McKinsey McKinsey problem solving game
Neue Antwort am 31. Juli 2023
4 Antworten
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Anonym A fragte am 17. März 2023

Dear Network,

I am planning to start the McKinsey recruiting process in the upcoming weeks, but I am a bit afraid of the ‘Solve’ game at the beginning. I have read on various forums that McKinsey had recently started to tweak the game, especially gradually replacing the Plant Defense section with the Red Rock Study.

I have passed the game once in the past (although was rejected later on in the interview process), so under normal circumstances, I would tend to think I am able to pass it again. :) However, with these changes, I am a bit concerned. Could you please share your insights regarding the following?

1) Did you hear anything in your networks about the game being tweaked (in a way described above, or in other ways) in Hungary, or in the broader Eastern-European region?

2) Do you have any tips for preparing for the Red Rock Study at this point?

Many thanks for your support in advance!
Best regards!

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bearbeitete eine Antwort am 19. März 2023
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

I think this is an interesting question that may be relevant for many people. I would be happy to share my thoughts on it:

  • First of all, so far, all of my coachees who conducted the McKinsey Solve recently had to complete both the ecosystem game and the Red Rock study. Given that the McKinsey Solve is a component in the application process that seems to be universal across the globe, you should expect to also face the Red Rock study when applying at McKinsey Hungary.
  • In order to best prepare, I would highly advise you to first have a look at all the great free content about the McKinsey Solve. While chargeable offerings might also provide value, personally, I think it is not meaningful.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare your upcoming McKinsey interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.




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antwortete am 18. März 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

1) Did you hear anything in your networks about the game being tweaked (in a way described above, or in other ways) in Hungary, or in the broader Eastern-European region?

All candidates I helped in March had Redrock instead of Plant Defense, regardless of the country.

2) Do you have any tips for preparing for the Red Rock Study at this point?

I have just updated the Imbellus Solve Combo to include 8 videos with tips on every part of the Redrock – including the new one about the 10 cases. You can find it at the link below (the content is already updated with the new videos, the description will be updated soon):

▶ McKinsey PSG Solve Game - Video Simulation



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antwortete am 18. März 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

This is a very valid concern! Yes, many of my candidates around the world are now getting Red Rock.

I highly recommend Francesco's course!

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antwortete am 31. Juli 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there, 

In general, if you prepare for cases and the rest of the process, you should also do well in the test. 

Realistically, you're being tested for the same skills only at a lower level: analytical thinking, problem solving, prioritisation, etc.

If you don't have the time for it, then go for one of the guides that are available on the platform.


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