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What can you bring to the company?

PrepLounge: Personal Fit
Recent activity on Apr 09, 2024
14 Answers
2.1 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Sep 23, 2019

How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

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Anonymous K replied on Apr 09, 2024

enthusiasmus für das team



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Anonymous J replied on Mar 22, 2024

Fachliche Expertise, nachhaltige das Team motivieren, neuen Input, anderer Blickwinkel auf Sachverhalte, langfristiges commitment

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Anonymous I replied on Mar 04, 2024

Frische Perspektive, direkt aus dem Studium, Vorerfahrung in Commercial Bereich, interkulturelle Erfahrung

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Anonymous H replied on Jan 03, 2024

Having lived in 4 different countries, I will bring an international perspective to the team. These experiences allowed me to develop my curiosity about other cultures and to strengthen my communication skills in a diverse team.

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Anonymous G replied on May 02, 2023

Extra-Mile, Humor, Teamplayer

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Anonymous F replied on Mar 05, 2023

I am a very curious person and like to adapt to all kinds of clients and colleagues. I also have the ability to learn new things fast

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Bastian replied on Jan 23, 2023

Motivation, schnelle Auffassungsgabe, Blick fürs Ganze,
Einsatzbereitschaft, Begeisterungsfähigkeit und den Willen Dinge nachhaltig zu verändern Mehrwerte schaffen


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Rudra replied on Apr 05, 2022


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carlos replied on Mar 15, 2022

Strategic thinking

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Anonymous E replied on Jan 26, 2022

Diverse, generalistic and foreign work experience. Working in different fields and industries I got an insight into many best practices around the globe and I will try to combine them in order to achieve the companys goals

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Anonymous D replied on Jan 12, 2022

I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.

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Anonymous C replied on Sep 15, 2021

I am this kind of person who can create great influence and lead a team towards a goal.Very approachable and empathetic.I am continously willing to push myself out of the confirm zone and get things.I have a long term outlook on solutions to problems I solve and aspire to create positive meaningful impact in my environment. 

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Umme replied on Aug 16, 2021

I can bring advanced research and analysis skills along with problem-solving and team building.

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Anonymous B updated the answer on Oct 04, 2019

I can contribute with my determination in achieving results


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