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Preparation tips for BCG Gamma / Analytics Consulting Interviews

analytics BCG BCG gamma Case Data Science Gamma
New answer on Aug 10, 2023
4 Answers
7.4 k Views
Anonymous A asked on May 10, 2019

Hi all,

Does anyone have experience with interviews at Gamma or other analytics-focused practises/ firms regarding types of fit and technical questions, analytics cases, etc.?
I have an interview with them coming up and can't seem to find much material on this.

Happy about any tips on how to prepare!

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Anonymous B replied on May 11, 2019

When I interviewed at GAMMA I got both business case interviews and technical case interviews. Business case interviews are as usual. Technical case interviews have the same structure with fit and Q&A, but includes a more technical case. E.g. our client is a grocery store chain who would like our help developing personalized promotions in their loyalty program. Typically you would then discuss defining the problem, what data you want and have, which models you would use, and how you would validate and test your model. I prepared by imagining problems like this for different companies, as well as by looking at past Kaggle competitions.

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replied on May 12, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


It's a mix of regular and data science cases. The last ones test the following things:

  • Structuring - similar to consulting cases
  • Hypothesis testing - very different from the consulting cases because you have to provide the hypotheses on the very granular level
  • Finding the particular data - where would you find the data to test your hypothesis? What Tests would you exactly perform?


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ramico replied on Aug 10, 2023


I had applied online for an open position. The team lead contacted me for a phone interview. The phone interview was basic and we went over my resume. In a weeks time I was asked to come onsite. The onsite interview was scheduled for a day starting with my technical presentation to a panel of 5 and then followed by 3 1:1 interviews. These 1:1 interviews were technical in nature.

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Content Creator
replied on Nov 28, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


You will hace specific assesments (coding, etc.) + business cases with a strong analytics component in them.

For getting better at analytic cases, on top of lots of practice, I would recommend you GMAT exercises.

There are free exams in the internet that you can use for practice (the one of LBS MBA page, Verits prep, as well as some free trials for courses such as the one of The Economist (

Hope it helps!


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