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MConsultingPrep’s PSG Simulation - Reviews feedback

I'm preparing to McK coming next week McKinsey PST PSG
New answer on Sep 13, 2023
12 Answers
12.7 k Views
Anonymous asked on Aug 25, 2021

Hi ,

Just wanted to check if anyone got some reviews or feedback on MConsultingPrep’s PSG Simulation for McKinsey ? It costs 200$ wanted to check if this worth it ? Also share if you have any advice for the PSG preparation?

Many Thanks. 

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Anonymous A replied on Aug 25, 2021

I haven't played their simulation but also checked it out and found three interesting points:

  • Some of their articles are just copy and pastes from other websites
  • The founder on the website claims to have worked for McKinsey but there are no records of that (just checked again: now they removed the identity altogether. fishy)
  • There are no reviews of their products

Better buy Francescos or another product with a track record and authenticity.

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Anonymous J on Feb 13, 2023

If anyone has purchased the MConsulting Prep McKinsey PSG Simulation, please can I repurchase from you at a lower price?? I'm desperate!

Anonymous B replied on Sep 27, 2021

The OP has probably taken the PSG already, but my review would likely help the next candidate who comes across this thread.

I prepped my PSG with MConsultingPrep for 4 weeks. It has its own pros and cons:

- Pros: as far as I know: it is the only one with a platform where you can actually play the thing. The level of detail in the accompanying PDF is also quite amazing. The resemblance between the simulation and the real thing is almost uncanny.

- Cons: the “game” seems unoptimized, especially the Plant Defense game, which I think could be made to load faster, and they have yet to replicate the PSG assessment mechanisms (it would be crazy if anyone manages to do it). Also, I left feedback for them saying they should make videos to help candidates learn the tricky parts easier.

In the end, it comes down to whether you are willing to spend an additional $100 for interactive practice. (In their video they say to give coupons to people in a rush to practice, but I bought mine at full price so I don't know how much the coupon is worth). 

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Content Creator
replied on Aug 25, 2021
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Gowtham,

I will leave it to someone else to talk about the competitor product for obvious reasons ;)

In terms of the second question, if you want to prepare in the best possible ways, you can find at the link below the guide I created, including:

  • 8 videos showing how to crack the Ecosystem Game in less than 25 minutes (instead of the recommended 35)
  • The trick to start to build your food chain in the untimed tutorial and the Excel Template to do so
  • PDF guide with all the game scenarios and how to crack each of them

If you have any additional doubts, you can contact me for free and I will reply within 12 hours.

You can download the guide and watch the videos instantly at the link below and also check 70+ reviews:

03 McKinsey Problem Solving Game Video - Imbellus Combo Guide.png
McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game - Combo Videos

SPOILER ALERT: the Combo now includes 6 Plant Defense game videos as well (yes it is not official, I told you it was a spoiler;)). When this will be official in a few days, the price will go up to €99, so if you are interested hurry up :)



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Anonymous on Aug 25, 2021

Thanks a lot Francesco, I will have a look.

Anonymous C replied on Mar 02, 2022

I took a leap of faith after reading Anonymous B’s review on this thread and bought the simulation.

I haven’t heard from HR yet but I can tell you that the simulation is amazing. The only difference is that the real game‘s graphics are more “3D” which doesn’t change anything in the gameplay.


In the simulation, you get descriptive statistics of how you played (time, actions) because they do not know how Imbellus assess you.


When I took the test, I was glad I had the opportunity to prepare (strategies, note taking techniques for the ecosystem mini game) and I was also more relaxed because I wasn’t learning about the mechanics for the first time.


I highly, highly recommend it!

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Xin on Jun 09, 2022

let me know if I can re-purchase it from you at a discount

Anthony on Jul 07, 2022

same here, happy to do so!

Amrutha on Aug 02, 2022

Hi, Let me know if I can re-purchase it from you?

Rana on Nov 19, 2022

Hi, let me know if I can re-purchase from you at a discounted price

Anonymous J on Feb 13, 2023

Please can I repurchase from you at a lower price?? I'm desperate!

Content Creator
replied on Aug 25, 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Quite honestly I would probably just watch their 20-minute free video on their website then go with Francesco's package!

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Anonymous D updated the answer on Mar 04, 2022

So I bought both Francesco's Imbellus Solve Combo, as well as had access to the MConsulting PSG simulation. I'd definitely recommend the PSG sim, although their PDF is horribly written grammar wise, it's much more detailed and concise than Francesco's PDF (over half of which is literally promotions for his other prep materials, and a prolonged appendix on how to use his excel sheet for the ecosystem game). I also found his online videos to be pretty useless, as he pretty much repeats materials from his PDF, except you can see his face as he walks though some mock simulation variation.

After having used both, the PSG MConsulting sim is way more direct, to the point, and doesn't need reliance on complicated Excel sheets. So I *personally* found Francenco's materials too general and not helpful enough for the $99 I paid. So, take that for what it's worth, but consider using MConsulting prep if you can afford it.


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Francesco on Mar 04, 2022

Hi there,

Sorry to see you did not find the Combo helpful. I won’t comment on the other product for obvious reasons, however I can’t agree with your comments on the Combo.

(i) Francesco's PDF (over half of which is literally promotions for his other prep materials, and a prolonged appendix on how to use his excel sheet for the ecosystem game)

⮕ There are 3 slides in the guide on my coaching and its reviews. I am not sure how that could be considered over half of a 138-page guide.‏‏‎

As shown in the index on the product page, Appendix 1 (pages 80-107) is dedicated to how to correctly use the Excel. Doing so allows to build a chain in 16 minutes, so I believe it is fundamental for someone to master it.

(ii) I also found his online videos to be pretty useless, as he pretty much repeats materials from his PDF, except you can see his face as he walks though some mock simulation variation.

⮕ The videos cover several pieces of content not present in the pdf. Specifically, they include:

● A real video simulation of the Ecosystem Management and Plant Defense games
● The exact steps to start to build the chain during the untimed tutorial
● How to crack the Ecosystem Management in less than 70% of the time required
‎● A complete tutorial on the new Automated Excel showing how to complete the Ecosystem Food Chain in 16 minutes
● How to go through 2 different maps of the Plant Defense Game
● Details on the 4 types of defenders and 3 types of barriers that you can use in the Plant Defense Game
● How to resist for 25+ turns in the Plant Defense game instead of the recommended 15

I’m always happy to help and to improve the guide, so if you want please feel free to reach out and I would be glad to discuss further.‏‏‎

For those who would like to check verified reviews on the Combo, you can find 150+ here:



Anonymous D on Mar 04, 2022

Hi Francesco, As I said, it wasn't necessarily that your materials were bad, it's just that I found the MConsulting PSG Sim more useful than your materials. To address your points: (i) Page 80-138 (last page) of your PDF are literally the appendix, almost half of the pages of this PDF. And most of those focus on the complicated Excel file, and how to use it (if it takes so many pages to walk someone through how to use it ... maybe the Excel file isn't as intuitive as you think it is? Just constructive feedback). Furthermore, using MC's PSG Prep, all I needed was a pen and paper to be able to do the entire ecosystem game by hand (over the course of 2-3 days of using it, I was consistently able to solve all Ecosystem chains in under 18 minutes. Every time). No Excel sheet and it's associated possible technical complication needed, especially if during the actual test, there's a problem with the file or the computer you're using it on. Compared to the simple pen and paper approach of the MC's PSG sim, that was a risk I wasn't willing to take. (ii) You're just repeating a lot of the bullet points that we touched on in (i). Again, if we need your PDF AND the Excel sheet AND videos to be able to walk through the PSG, maybe you're making it too complicated? When I went through your videos, they were mostly repetitive materials from the PDF. In terms of the Plant Defense game, again, nothing personal, but I found myself resisting on average 30-35 turns per map using the MC sim (their PDF and Simulation makes it a bit easier to get right to the point of how to best defend your plant. For example, they mention right away the importance of overlapping defenses around the plant to have squares that have amplified damage, something I found to be critical and I didn't see mentioned in your PDF, even on pg. 136 on your 7 Steps to win the Plant Defense Game page. All I found mentioned was the importance of starting defenses focused around your plant, which is a given in both courses, but those types of helpful tiny details I found to be missing from yours). Again, not saying yours is bad by any means, but it's simply not as helpful as MC's simulation. In terms of your bullet point on details on the defender types and barrier types in your videos, that's basic information that is included in all PSG prep courses (as it should be), nothing special here worth mentioning as a standalone bullet point. Lastly, in terms of your verified reviews, you DID offer me additional complimentary prep materials in exchange for leaving a review. Although in fairness, you didn't mention or request me to rate you a certain way, which makes it a bit better I suppose. Regardless, I'd take the number of verified reviews with a grain of salt. Again, I hope this helps with some of the feedback you were looking for Francesco, and I'm sure you'll make great improvements in future iterations of your Imbellus prep course. And I hope this helps users interested in studying for the PSG make a more informed decision. Good luck!


Francesco on Mar 05, 2022

Hi there,

I appreciate your feedback. I am still not sure I understand most of your points:

(i) Page 80-138 (last page) of your PDF are literally the appendix, almost half of the pages of this PDF.

⮕ The 4 Appendices are key to master the games, which is why I included them. Anyway, the Excel (28 pag) + coaching details (3 pag) are not over half guide as you said

(ii) If it takes so many pages to walk someone through how to use it ... maybe the Excel file isn't as intuitive

⮕ The Excel part is made by screenshots – you can go through it in a few min

(iii) Using MC's PSG Prep, over the course of 2-3 days of using it, I was consistently able to solve all Ecosystem chains in under 18 minutes. Every time. No Excel sheet

⮕ I am glad it worked well for you. If you use the Excel and read the Appendix you are going to be able to create a chain in 16 minutes right away and not have to spend extra days (I show how in the videos)

(iv) Again, if we need your PDF AND the Excel sheet AND videos to be able to walk through the PSG, maybe you're making it too complicated?

⮕ If you don’t want to read the pdf guide and the Excel Appendix or watch the videos, I agree, I am afraid probably this product was not the right fit for you

(v) Videos, they were mostly repetitive (..) MC sim mention right away the importance of overlapping defenses (…) something I found to be critical and I didn't see mentioned in your PDF

⮕ This is mentioned on pag 41, happy to make it more clear. It is also the basis for 19 min of video #13 (incidentally, not sure why you say the videos were useless, since you should have got that insight there)

(vi) You DID offer me additional complimentary prep materials in exchange for leaving a review

⮕ I provide extra prep material for free with the guide regardless of whether you leave reviews or not and if you leave one regardless of what you write, I hope this was clear to you

In any case, thanks for the feedback, appreciate the time you spent going into so many details.



Rana on Nov 19, 2022

Hi, please let me know if I can re-purchase from you at a discounted price

Anonymous H on Nov 25, 2022

Just by seeing @Francesco’s replies, i would never purchase a product from him. He is Not able to handle feedback and criticism.

Anonymous K replied on Apr 17, 2023

I haven't tried the MConsultingPrep PSG Simulation but I purchased the Excel solver from PSG Cracked a couple of days before the test. Strongly recommended because:

  1. Price is very affordable
  2. It automatically solves the food chain for you which saves you a LOT of time
  3. No need to spend lots of time with simulations.. but if you want to I believe you can also purchase some simulation datasets

Unfortunately it helps only with the Ecosystem game, but IMO it's the only game that can be quite complex and time-consuming.

Best of luck :)

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Anonymous J replied on Feb 13, 2023

If anyone has purchased the MConsulting Prep McKinsey PSG Simulation, please can I repurchase from you at a lower price?? I'm desperate! 

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Yuxi replied on Jul 05, 2023

Hi, don't, I completed the game yesterday, and thank God I didn't buy it because it has completely changed !!!!

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Sophia on Jul 15, 2023

heyy do you mean it has changed completely from the MCP’s PST Simulation version online?? I just received mine I am sooo nervous now and don't know whether I should spend 200$ on this

Anonymous on Oct 01, 2023

was it useful ?

Anonymous E updated the answer on Jun 06, 2022

It's now $250, but still the best on the market at the moment in terms of prep content if you can afford the price. I did ask about the other games (disasters and such), they said not to worry because it's less than 5% or so that you'd get the rare stuff, and it's not enough for them to build simulations like for the two main games. They did share a few things. 

Their customer service was a tad slow. Took them nearly 2 days to answer my email (they got more responsive afterward, I'll give them that).

Also, the second guy who took care of me - apparently a “product team” guy - was really helpful. Guess my issue (I had a black screen and the game couldn't start) was too much for their regular customer service guy to handle so they called in the big guns. When their quick fixes all failed they redirected me to their backup server, which cleared things up nicely.


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Anonymous G on Jun 09, 2022

hi friend, wondering if i can buy access to their product through your previous purchase?

Anonymous I on Jan 20, 2023

I'm interested in buying your access too


Anonymous J on Feb 13, 2023

Please can I repurchase from you at a lower price?? I'm desperate!

Anonymous E replied on May 23, 2022

I am afraid the MConsultingPrep simulation is a fraud. I got lucky because the website was stuck on my browsers at home and at work, so I thought it was weird. The design looks very promising - but there's no simulation game and nothing to download for real. A friend of mine got caught. They ask to pay via PayPal and the contact for questions is a fake phone number in Vietnam.

That the scammers are willing to target students interviewing for a job is quite sad. 

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Anonymous C on May 25, 2022

Hello, I got a notification as I am anonymous C who commented on my experience with the simulation above. That’s surprising, worked well for me… It’s a bit rash to say they’re scammers I literally prepped with their simulation only and did great. You can’t download the simulation, it’s on a website. Are you sure you’re following the steps correctly?

Anonymous E on May 29, 2022

Hello, Well, if you get a response from MPConsultingPrep Support and/or Order email and phone, that would be great news. The only response my friend got was that gmail couldn't find the Order team address, and an email from the Support team 5 days later asking what's going on (very generic) then radio silence. Does this product only exist??? Well, the credit card company advised her to block her card and will investigate to get her money back. I for one think McK has enough information on their website to bother spending so much time and money on fake courses…

Anonymous C on Jun 04, 2022

Well if that’s your friend experience then I understand… for the record mine has been the complete opposite but I didn’t need to reach out to customer support

Anonymous F on Jun 06, 2022

The founder is Vietnamese, most likely the business is also Vietnam-based, hence the Vietnamese number you saw on their website. I prepped with their simulation a few months ago, it was near-identical to the actual test. Anonymous C and D pretty much nailed it. Customer service does leave a bit to be desired. Presumably, they do not have a 24/7 CS and there's more than one person doing the work. I had to email them a few times during my prep (black screens, slow connections and the likes). The first person responding to me seemed like a junior who later got trouble helping with my issues, their senior dropped in after a while and cleared things up. I could say they are a bit unprofessional, but to say they are scammers is a bit harsh. Scammers don't invest that much into their contents. Perhaps your friend just got bad luck. If you're not ready to pay $250 you can just see their free content on the PSG and not bother with anything else, because they are the only one with a worthwhile "simulation" at the moment.


Anonymous J on Feb 13, 2023

Please please can I repurchase from you at a lower price (Anonymous F)?? I'm desperate!

Ali updated an answer on Sep 14, 2023

The Mconsulting McKinsey simulation comes very close in terms of ecosystem game (almost the same thing) and the plant defence and redrock study is very good practise as well. I would highly recommend It. it worked very well for me.

if anyone wants access, they can message me  - looking to split costs. 


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Anonymous J on Sep 14, 2023

Yess !

Ali on Sep 14, 2023

Message me

Anonymous M on Oct 01, 2023

Hi, I’m interested

Renée on Nov 06, 2023

Hi Ali, please I'm interested!

Ali on Nov 11, 2023

Please reach out to me on messages

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