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MBB Experienced Hire for non-MBA Master

economics Experienced Hire MSc
New answer on Jan 24, 2020
2 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Jan 23, 2020


(1) I have four and a half years experience in economic/public policy consulting. Currently doing a master in Economic at a reputable uni in the UK. Per my knowledge, a Consultant hire would typically require an MBA, to which I do not have. For MBB application, should I still aim for Consultant position, or Senior Associate position?

(2) Given that this profile is quite atypical for MBB. What are my chances?

(3) I understand that for McKinsey, Senior Analyst is at the same level as Junior Associate, but the latter is used to refer to fresh-hire. Is this correct?



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replied on Jan 24, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Anonymous,

please find the reply to your questions below:

  1. An MBA is not necessarily required to be hired as a Consultant (BCG) or Associate (McK), I personally helped people to land such position without a previous MBA. In your case you can apply for such position, worst case they may ask to do a period as Senior Analyst/Associate
  2. Your profile is indeed atypical since you are doing a Master after 4.5 years of experience. Still, doesn’t mean you cannot get offers. I would work to get a referral – more on that here:
  3. They both precede the Associate position. Junior Associate is just present in some countries as positions and is normally given when you join the company, for a six months period before promotion to Associate. Senior Business Analyst is usually given after 2-3 years as Analyst as promotions if you don’t go for the MBA route.



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replied on Jan 24, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


1st is wrong. Less than 50% or so of the candidates have MBA

The exact position name depends on the company. You should aim for Associate (McKinsey) and consultant (Bain, BCG)

2 is wrong again. It's a good profile for MBB if you manage to package it correctly in your resume

3 is wrong. The fellow associate is not the same as SBA. There are two options for how you can get a fellow Asc:

  • As an experienced hire who did not perform well enough on the interviews / did not have enough experience for Asc
  • Being promoted from SBA if you can't be promoted directly to Asc and you don't want to do an MBA


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