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Advise offers, exit opps, brand, CV push

career progression exit options offer Top Choice
New answer on Oct 30, 2023
4 Answers
2.4 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Sep 17, 2019

Hi everyone,

i've got to decide between a couple of offers after working as a consultant for two years.

- Accenture Strategy (M&A department)
- L.E.K. Consulting
- PWC Transaction Services
- Oliver Wyman

I'm asking myself what would be the best option to strengthen my CV in terms of brand, exit opportunities (funds, large banks) and reputation towards pursuing a top MBA application (Chicago, Oxford, Wharton, etc.)

What's your opinion and experience on that?

Many thanks in advance.


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replied on Oct 30, 2023
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the offers!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:

I would highly advise you to opt for the option that better aligns with your professional (and maybe even personal) mid- to long-term goals. In order to make an informed decision, I would advise you to do the following:

  • Weigh the different criteria that are meaningful to you independently of the current options (e.g., prestige, culture, international exposure, compensation, location). After that, score the two options based on your criteria and their weighting, resulting in two scores. This way, you have covered the left-brain perspective.
  • Critically assess your initial reaction to the outcome of the scores. For instance, if you feel the urge to tweak the numbers, this is a solid indicator that you do not want this decision to become reality. This way, you have covered the right-brain perspective.
  • By doing so, you will be able to integrate both parts of the brain into the decision-making, guaranteeing a higher chance that you will still be happy with it years later.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to address your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



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replied on Sep 17, 2019
5+ Years at BCG & Kearney Dubai & Istanbul | 400+ Trainees | Free 15-min Consultation Call


I would agree that OW has a stronger reputation worldwide, but also LEK is quite strong especially in the UK.



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replied on Sep 17, 2019
OW | HEC Paris | Helped 20+ people entering BCG, OW, ATK etc.

I may be biased as I work for the firm, but definetely go for OW.
I think it is fair to say that among your 4 options OW has the strongest brand name, quickest career path, and sponsors MBA.

LEK may be the closest, depending on industry (they are strong in DD and Life Sciences.

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replied on Sep 17, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


What's your objective?

  • If it's finance, then PWCtransaction services is the best one
  • If it's consulting, the definitely go for O&W


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