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If you discover product defects on a day off, would you call the boss?

PrepLounge: Personal Fit
Recent activity on Jan 28, 2024
23 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Jan 22, 2020

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Oleksandr (Alex)
replied on Jan 26, 2020
Very experienced ex-McKinsey consultant with cross-country expertise


This is type of questions which distincts people with a good ownership skills. In principle, depends on the criticallity of the situation, you shall try to solve it with all and every manner and tools by yourself, unless the potential negative impact from the delay (during which you will try to change anything) is much larger than the implicit value from your actions.

For example, if your product's defect is minor or if you may stop the line w/o large issue on the client's side or penalty on your side - pls make the fixting or replacement. However, if your product is time-sensitive, clients need it urgently, delay will cause your company significant amount of money or you can't fix it - then you need to get your boss involved.

What your boss may potentially do (and what you may potentially be willing to do)? Well, sometimes it's better approach your boss, because he/she has more responsibilities, broader vision of the context, etc.

But the real ownership quality is shown when (for any reason) there is no boss above? Then you may consider the following:

* Inform the client about it and ask his advice on the situation to understand urgency, propose him discount, product substitution, extra services, etc.

* Buy the same/similar product at your own cost from 3rd party supplier and deliver it to the client w/o him being aware of your problems

* Inform the client about the delay, and promise him to deliver it with no cost for him. Thus you will definitely discover what you shall be doing in order to avoid such collapses in the future.

Hope this helps,

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Harshit replied on Feb 26, 2020

I would definitely try to reach him, although I definitely would take a second suggestion from my teammate or someone privy to the matter so that there is a sense of surety that I am thinking in the right way and calling them or reaching out to them might not be such a bad idea and his/her time won't be wasted completely.

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replied on Jan 28, 2024

Kommt auf das Produkt und die Dringlichkeit des Fehlers an

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Tobias replied on Dec 08, 2023

Ja würde ich machen.

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Kahane replied on Aug 22, 2021

It depends on the criticality, therefore, I would first consider the risk it proposes to the department and company.

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Anonymous G replied on Dec 08, 2022

If I discover a defect on my day off, would like to understand the root cause, try to hunt an interim action to contain it and implement it before calling boss to tell defect was identified and interim action to contain have been proposed and will work with team to agree the permanent corrective action. 

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Keith updated an answer on Jan 02, 2022

It depends on the product defect and the effects of the defect going into market.  It also depends if I can solve the problem resonably and effectively without engaging the boss.  It may depend on the current relationship with the manager, i.e. if I am in a management position and can address the issue without his involvement then should do so.  If it is critical and outside my jurisdictional capacity and I need their input then definitely call and request advice. 


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Anonymous E replied on Oct 04, 2021

It always depends on the urgency of the problem and when would be the next day to inform your boss. As a employee with a high ownership skills it would definitly call my boss if it is urgent.

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Wumi updated an answer on Sep 25, 2021

Yes, I would. But first, I'd try to fix it, then if it would incur more than I can bear, I'd call the boss and save myself a later worry.


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Anonymous B replied on Aug 12, 2021

Initially, I'd try to figure out the issue and then report it to the boss.

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Lena replied on Jun 06, 2023

It depends of the consequnces of the product defects.

If its a minor bug in a code for example and it will not have any or just small consequenes for the client I will make a note and make it a priority at the follwoing work day. Because my boss and I deserve and need to have a time off.

But if the prduct defect would have high risk or finiancial consequences I would reach my boss as soon as possible. It depends on the situation. 

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Pedro replied on Jun 03, 2023
Senior Associate @ Strategy& (PwC) | Erasmus RSM Exec. MBA | Looking for solid case study partners!

I would check his calendar first and then call him

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Anonymous I replied on Jan 09, 2023

it would depend on the impact that it would affect the project. but if it was critical i would reach out my colleagues and if they could not help me  i would send my boss an e-mail to schedule an urgent meeting

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Anonymous F replied on Jan 24, 2022

Yes, since this could have big consequences


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Anonymous D replied on Oct 03, 2021

Yes I would

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Anonymous C replied on Sep 04, 2021


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Joni replied on Dec 04, 2023

yes i would inform my chef

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Hello replied on Nov 21, 2023

It depends on the type of defect - if losing money/creating churn 100% yes. If minor (spelling error, branding issue) then note down and discuss first thing on the next day

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Lena replied on Oct 22, 2023

depends, if it is really urgent the yes


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Lakshmi replied on Oct 03, 2023

It's a day off, and a defective product is a problem. Handling such problems attentively is highly important in the overall customer experience. Do I let the customer wait for the next working day, or do I dive into action? This is tricky. I will first see if the problem is something that can wait for the next working day, but at the same time, I will take into consideration whether this action will affect and bring about a negative impact on the customer. If waiting is not an option, I will dive into action and solve the problem, regardless of whether the day is a working day or an off day. However, if solving the problem is out of my expertise and requires a different expertise or decision from my superior, then I will call the boss. 

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Carolin replied on Jan 04, 2023

Ich würde den Chef schreiben 

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Anonymous H replied on Dec 09, 2022

Cold calling. I’m great at pitching which I really enjoy and talking to people - but I prefer those who are ready to hear what I have to say! But it’s been great to learn how to quickly get attention and put across my ideas under time  pressure

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Content Creator
replied on Sep 30, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


On top of the insights already shared in the post, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB" has been recently published in PrepLounge´s shop (, adressing topics precisely as your question.

It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.

Furthermore, you can find 2 free cases in the PrepL case regarding FIT preparation:

Intro and CV questions >

Motivational questions >

Feel free to PM me for disccount codes for the Integrated FIT Guide, since we still have some left from the launch!

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Oleksandr (Alex) gave the best answer

Oleksandr (Alex)

Very experienced ex-McKinsey consultant with cross-country expertise
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