Hey guys,
Would be great to get some insights how to structure the above market sizing case and share some results.
I tried to estimate it by segmenting for female and male population (males tend to consume more beer) and then for each I calculate how many beers they consume in a year divided by the amount of beers per sixpack package (6 obviously) in order to get the yearly amount of six pack packages. In order to calculate the yearly beer consumption I broke it down into consumption of beers per week for low consumers, middle consumers and heavy consumers of beer.
As an end result I got 7,2 billion sixpacks a year.
I do not find any information regarding the correct result. Furthermore, I have difficulties to exclude the individually sold beers and the larger than 6 packs packages (8, 13 packs) as well as the beer consumed in restaurants/bars in my structure. In my calculations above I assumed that beer will be consumed only via six packs - obviously not correct.
Thanks a lot!!,
Best, Cédric