has anyone of you been at BCG workshop and would be willing to share his/her experiences? Does BCG have any expectation of the candidates?
has anyone of you been at BCG workshop and would be willing to share his/her experiences? Does BCG have any expectation of the candidates?
Hi Anonymous,
assuming your goal is to receive an interview invitation, these events are a good opportunity to create a strong connection with current consultants for further support in the application process. To do so, you should prepare smart questions, transform the dialogues in conversations and at the end of the event ask the consultants whether you could reach out later for further questions. If they say yes you can then send a thank-you note and, so far you made a good impression, chances are you could later transform the connection into a referral at the right moment
The key things I would recommend to prepare in advance are the following:
In terms of what you should expect at the event – that depends on country/expertise area/number of people invited. You will probably initially go through an introduction of the firm, see examples of life as a consultant and sometimes even have an individual/group feedback session with mocks from current consultants to assess your level. After that, there is usually a networking part where you can talk with current consultants in one-to-one meetings.
In terms of what the company expects: besides preparation as for the previous points, you are mainly expected to participate actively in group conversations/ activities proposed. If you have a group activity, you don’t necessarily have to act as the leader if that doesn’t come natural to you - it’s actually more important to be a proactive team member (eg help people who are not participating to interact, volunteer to help the natural leader on specific topics, provide suggestions on next steps).
Hope this helps,
They state that your attendace and your performance at the workshop does not account for anything during the recruitment process, but if you can attend, you should not pass up the opportunity to both learn from and impress someone from the company you wish to work for.
Also when I attended one, I found the experience quite rewarding (especially as it was eaerly in my preparation) and really gives you a feel for the culture/ type of people at the company.
Attend if you can, if nothing else it's a fun evening!!
It depends on the structure of an event:
You'll also get a chance to:
PS. After each event, there is a Q&A session where you can talk to consultants 1 on 1 or in a group. If you want to keep in touch - send a thank you note after the event:
Alternatively, you may use LinkedIn for that.
Hi, what workshop are you talking about? I think they have multiple.
If Bridge to BCG, i'm attending the one in Houston in a couple weeks and would be interested in hearing about other people's experience too.
in general attending workshop and events at your target company is for sure a great opportunity - even tho, as Luke said, it officially doesn't affect the chances to get an offer.
P.S. if you are an advanced degree holder, I started a thread on the Q&A session to share common experiences . check it out! https://www.preplounge.com/en/consulting-forum/advanced-degree-holders-into-consulting-4196