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Home Office at ECON

Neue Antwort am 4. Aug. 2021
1 Antwort
Anonym A fragte am 4. Aug. 2021

I would be interested how the home office regulations are at ECON (especially after Corona)?
Thanks a lot!

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Anna-Lena antwortete am 4. Aug. 2021
E.ON Inhouse Consulting


E.ON and ECON have always put employees' health first these past months which is why we have long worked in home office and successfully adapted all our processes, incl. the interview process, to virtual. We will have a hybrid model in the future, which will be depended on our E.ON partner needs. What we for sure want to keep is the opportunity to meet, network and foster our team spirit, e.g. during our “Office Friday”, especially as we have just this year moved into a cool new office! 

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