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Networking event with McKinsey. Any tips/suggestions?

Advice careers fair company event MBB McKinsey mixers networking recruiting recruiting event recruiting mckinsey associate analyst networking referrals tips
Neueste Antwort am 30. Sept. 2023
Anonym gab die beste Antwort am 19. Feb. 2018
If the on-campus event is invitation-only and is limited to 60-80 people, I agree with other suggestion: you have been flagged as high potential and you shouldn’t be worried about impressing them. If instead this is a ... (ganze Antwort lesen)
18,9 T.
Upvotes insgesamt
am 30. Sept. 2023 am 30. Sept. 2023
Letzte Aktivität

Coach for Networking and then refferals

BCG networking networking Non-Target Networking recruiting mckinsey associate analyst networking
Neueste Antwort am 13. Juni 2023
Die beste Antwort (am 13. Juni 2023) ist von:
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ interviewoffers.com) | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching
gab die beste Antwort am 13. Juni 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ interviewoffers.com) | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching
Hi there, Q: I am seeking some help for networking and converting them to refferals in the Middle East offices for MBB and Tier 2 consulting firms.  You can find some initial information on referrals at the links below: ... (ganze Antwort lesen)
Upvotes insgesamt
am 13. Juni 2023 am 13. Juni 2023
Letzte Aktivität

MBB office selection

canada M7 MBA MBA MBB networking office culture office preferences recruiting recruiting mckinsey associate analyst networking
Neueste Antwort am 1. Dez. 2022
Die beste Antwort (am 29. Nov. 2022) ist von:
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience
gab die beste Antwort am 29. Nov. 2022
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience
My suggestion is to do your MBA as a stem degree which all HSW programs allow you to do. Then you have 3 years on an OPT to try for H1B or go straight for a GC. If it all fails just go to Canada you should qualify now w ... (ganze Antwort lesen)
1,0 T.
Upvotes insgesamt
am 1. Dez. 2022 am 1. Dez. 2022
Letzte Aktivität

Making the most out of MBB networking events

Bain networking BCG networking networking recruiting mckinsey associate analyst networking
Letzte Aktivität am 15. Nov. 2018
Die beste Antwort (am 15. Nov. 2018) ist von:
Ex-MBB, Experienced Hire; I will teach you not only the how, but also the why of case interviews
gab die beste Antwort am 15. Nov. 2018
Ex-MBB, Experienced Hire; I will teach you not only the how, but also the why of case interviews
You have a few objectives: 1. Get to know the consultants, and learn about their experiences 2. Collect advice on how to prepare 3. Have one or more consultant remember you in a positive light 4. Get invited to ... (ganze Antwort lesen)
3,0 T.
Upvotes insgesamt
am 15. Nov. 2018 am 15. Nov. 2018
Letzte Aktivität
4 Ergebnisse

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