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New Coaching Packages by Coach Hagen - Your Key to Success!

expert coaching Expert Meeting Package MBB
Charlotte fragte am 7. Nov. 2023
fragte am 7. Nov. 2023
Coaching Program Manager at PrepLounge
We're thrilled to introduce Coach Hagen's latest offerings - a trio of dynamic coaching packages designed to supercharge your career aspirations! 🚀 Case Structuring Program: If you're looking for a solid approach to structuring case studies, this package is tailored just for you. With Coach Hagen's Case Structuring Program, you'll learn how to tackle complex business problems systematically and develop solutions that impress. Full Consulting Program: Dreaming of a career in management consulting? Coach Hagen's Full Consulting Program will guide you on your journey. From case study training to ... (ganze Frage lesen)
Upvotes insgesamt
am 7. Nov. 2023 am 7. Nov. 2023
Letzte Aktivität

Prep4Success Coaching Program Premium - expert sessions with P4S Experts

approaching a case Case Prep Case preparation caseinterview coaching expert hire Expert Meeting Package
Frage bearbeitet am 20. Aug. 2020
Die beste Antwort (am 20. Aug. 2020) ist von:
PrepLounge Community & Marketing Manager
gab die beste Antwort am 20. Aug. 2020
PrepLounge Community & Marketing Manager
UPDATE: ​ Hi everyone! You may have noticed that the Prep4Success program has been replaced by the new CoachingPlus program. It's the ideal case interview prep package, that includes everything you need to ace your upc ... (ganze Antwort lesen)
2,3 T.
Upvotes insgesamt
am 20. Aug. 2020 am 20. Aug. 2020
Letzte Aktivität

Expert Meeting Package

Expert Meeting Package
Letzte Aktivität am 28. Mai 2018
Die beste Antwort (am 26. Mai 2018) ist von:
Ex-MBB, Experienced Hire; I will teach you not only the how, but also the why of case interviews
gab die beste Antwort am 26. Mai 2018
Ex-MBB, Experienced Hire; I will teach you not only the how, but also the why of case interviews
Is this what you are looking for? https://www.preplounge.com/en/shop/prep4success/prep4success-pro If going through IE Business School however, I think you can simply request a case on the website; If I am not mis ... (ganze Antwort lesen)
2,3 T.
Upvotes insgesamt
am 28. Mai 2018 am 28. Mai 2018
Letzte Aktivität
3 Ergebnisse

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