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Central hospital

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Our client, Central hospital, is a 350-bed hospital based in a medium-sized city. The company has normally seen strong financial results with a 1-4% operating gain each year for the last five years. However, this year they are projecting a $14 m operating loss and the situation is expected to worsen in the future. The CFO expects to be out of cash in 2 years if not resolved. 

They hired you to identify the cause of this  loss and how they can hit break-even again. However, since they are an important employer, laying off staff is not an option.

Sample Structure

I. Revenue

II. Cost

III. Solution

Weitere Fragen

  • Which solution can be implemented within the next 6 weeks to lower costs?
  • Should the client focus on cost-saving first, revenue-increase or both? Why?
14,1 T.
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