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This may be a stupid question but why did you x6 when you calculate the price to achieved 30% profit margin?

Neue Antwort am 18. Apr. 2020
1 Antwort
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Liora Katzew
fragte am 18. Apr. 2020

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Anonym bearbeitete die Antwort am 18. Apr. 2020

Hi Liora,

Thanks for your question!

Upon a quick look, it seems that the Price is charged monthly, whereas the Cost is calculated per rental. As the Number of rentals per month is 6, you need to multiple the Cost by 6 to get to the Monthly Cost. So your monthly Profit is your Monthly Price minus Monthly Cost, hence:
Margin = (Price (monthly) - Cost (monthly)) / Price (monthly) = (Price - Cost per rental * Number of rentals) / Price = (Price - $1.75*6) / Price

Hope this helps!

Best regards,



War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Liora Katzew am 18. Apr. 2020

Thank you so much !