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Is there an easy way yo think about hypothesis:issue tree:proving&disproving ...

approaching a case
Neue Antwort am 8. Nov. 2019
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Anonym A fragte am 12. Okt. 2019

I've read the Mckinsey mind book which talks about forming a hypothesis and using the issue tree to approve and disprove a hypothesis and the article here talks a lot on it.

However, it gets a bit complex to digest sometimes. Can you simply put the concept of an issue tree into perspective? Thanks

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antwortete am 8. Nov. 2019
McKinsey Junior Associate

Hi anon,

It does seem a bit tricky before you get the hang of it, but don't worry - it's best understood in practice, but think of it as breaking down a tough problem into all it's component pieces, in order to next evaluate effectively and efficiently. The principle of MECE is to ensure that you haven't missed or double-accounted for anything.

The issue tree is helpful in your case because you can work through methodically, as you would if you were ticking through a list. It demonstrates to the interviewer that you can structure your thoughts and categorise large amounts of information.

Happy to do some sessions with you if you'd like more guidance.



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